Historical & Contemporary Documents ~ Childbirth Practices, Medicine & Midwifery

by faithgibson on August 3, 2012

Document Directory for
Historical, Contemporary
and Odd, Interesting,
Rare or Important documents
from other websites

# 1 ~ Directory ~ Historical documents –> 18th, 19th and early 20th century





#2 ~ Directory ~ contemporary documents on the politics of normal childbirth (1981 to present)

#3 ~ Directory ~ Odd, Interesting, Rare &/or Important documents on Faith’s other websites

My temporary  Subdirectory:

To all things (posts & essays) on Dr. JWW’s 1914 book “Twilight Sleep: Simple discoveries in Painless Childbirth”

{Written in cooperation with Dr. Henry Smith Williams, an MD and well-known science writer of the time}.


Dr. JWW-Twilight Sleep ~ “PAGES” Only (no Posts!)

A. ~ Original SOURCE MATERIAL ~ Link to all 8 chapters of Dr. J. Whitridge Williams‘ 1914 book “Twilight Sleep: Simple Discoveries in Painless Childbirth  ,  as well a link at the bottom of each chapter that leads you to the next chapter in the series

B. Introduction to Dr. J. Whitridge Williams’ Plan: Elective Hospitalization of Healthy Maternity Patients ~ w/ links to all 8 chapters of the original source material ~ “Twilight Sleep: Simple Discoveries in Painless Childbirth”


Dr. JWW: excerpt from Chapter 3 of “The Economic Story of Hospitals” {my unpublished manuscript}

XYZ ~ #1 Telling the story (w/ link to original sources): How the invention of elective hospitalization of healthy people became economic engine that created & sustains the US system of general hospitals

X?Z ~ Dr. JWW* ~ Synopsis of his book, his plan, and his enduring impact on our private/corporate for-profit hospital system

X?X ~ Dr. J. Whitridge Williams’ Plan: Elective Hospitalization of Healthy Maternity Patients ~ early Intro, w/ links to all 8 chapters of “Twilight Sleep: Simple Discoveries in Painless Childbirth”

X?X early 2018 version of Dr. JWW ~ 2nd half of “Dream, motives, methods, enduring impact”

Dr. JWW: backstory of his “plan” ~ the ‘how’ and ‘why’ it was so successful

Dr. JWW *~* Elective Hosp –> holding text for use ???

Dr. JWW~TwilightSleep: POSTS (only – no pages)

1. Index for a 7-part series on Dr. J. Whitridge Williams: Inventor of “elective hospitalization” for healthy maternity patients as ‘paying customer’ ~ the Book, the Plan, the enduring impact of his 1914 book that normalized the use of Twilight Sleep drugs

2. Intro ~ Historical 8-part series on Dr. J. W. Williams’ 1914 book “Twilight Sleep: Simple Discoveries in Painless Childbirth & link to the primary source

3. The Dream, the Motives, the Methods & Enduring Impact of 1914 book “Twilight Sleep ~ Simple Discoveries in Painless Childbirth ~ by famous American obstetrician: Part 1 ~ Overview

4. Dr. J.W. Williams: Part 2 ~ Inventing the Economic Engine for America’s private and corporate-owned Hospital System

5. Dr J. Whitridge Williams: Part 3 Elective Hospitalization ~ the basic economic unit for engine for America’s private system of hospitals

6. Dr. J. Whitridge Williams: Part 4 ~ Selling his odd ideas about childbirth to the public & philanthropists

7. Dr. J. Whitridge Williams’ Little Book, the Pentagon Papers & movie “The Post”: Part 5 ~ Intro ~ profound harm caused by Twilight Sleep & Genera Anesthesia

8. Dr. J. Whitridge Williams’ Little Book & the Pentagon Papers: Part 6 ~ Numbers don’t lie


Dr. JWW’s Book ~ Quoted passages and longer excerpts

Dr. JWW ~ fullest version of quotes from his book –> TS 1914 (healthcare2pointO.com)


Subdirectory #b ~ Dr. JWW ~ all stand-alone quotes, longer excerpts, essays, and commentaries written by me