by faithgibson on August 1, 2012


Our 50th wedding anniversary (left to right)  My son Todd, eldest daughter Shawn, husband Richard, me, and youngest daughter Holly


Faith Gibson, California Licensed Midwife

Call the Midwife ~

For Information about the
California Association of Licensed Midwives
click or copy this link

Latest or Most Important Posts

Ending the inappropriate and ineffective use of continuous EFM
as the standard of care in the US for healthy women with normal pregnancies
Easy-to-share Link to Part 1 ~

Establishing auscultation as the science-based standard for
healthy childbearing women with low-risk pregnancies

Stand-alone History, Theory, & Practice of Auscultation

Re-post of an interesting and informative article
NYT OpEd by Amy Tuteur  May 2, 2016  

Reading opportunitiesfor inquiring minds

1. A Time-Traveler’s Perspective on Normal Childbirth
Journal BIRTH, Sept 2011; faith gibson, LM,

BIRTH-PracPerspective_MyArticle_Sept 11, 2011

2. How Normal Childbirth Was Trapped
on the Wrong Side of History:

The Perfect storm that turned healthy childbearing women
into the patients of a surgical specialty and
normal childbirth into a surgical procedure
~ the last and most unimportant UNTOLD story of the 20th century ~ 

Intro & Overview  of a 7-part Series

3: The False Association btw Continuous Electronic Fetal Monitoring
& increased use of Cesarean surgery as a strategy to prevent cerebral palsy & reduce malpractice lawsuits against doctors & hospitals

C-EFMIntermittent Auscultation

Tiny URL to share –>

4. The Economic Story of American Hospitals:

The invention of elective hospitalization in 1914, which
created the
economic engine for our private &
corporate-owned American hospital system

5. Original source material for the economic story
of the 
for-profit American hospital system in
the 20th & 21st-century

Intro to an 8-part series on Dr. Williams’ 1914 book
“Twilight Sleep”: Simple Discoveries in Painless Childbirth”

~ Source Material for above series ~
Dr. Williams’s Historic 1914 book:

“Twilight Sleep:
Simple Discoveries in Painless Childbirth”

Overview & links to original 8 chapters

Dr. J. Whitridge Williams, Gynecological Surgeon, John Hopkins, 1893-1898; Chief of Obstetrics, Johns Hopkins, 1899-1911; Dean, John Hopkins Medical School, 1911-1923; b. 1866, d. 1929

6. PDF link –> Man-Midwives ~The Historical Tension
Between Midwifery and Obstetrics During the 20th century

7. ~ VBAC as a core issue & example US dysfunction maternity care
(including hx of obstetrics & gynecology in
American as a new surgical specialty)

External suturing the Cesarean incision after the surgeon lifted the incised uterus up and out of the abdomen to sit on the mother’s external abdominal skin

The Coming Healthcare Revolution:
~ Be part of the “gift that keeps on giving”

Why Medical & Maternity Care
in the US Doesn’t Work

Reading for my friends, Facebook acquaintances,
attorneys and investigative journalists

Easy-to-share-link –>

Read the most important Book of the Year
What make our healthcare system dysfunctional
and how we can help fix it

Be part of: “The Gift the Keeps on Giving”

After you read “The Price We Pay“, encourage two friends or
family members to read it and likewise ask two more people to read and also to share
and you have painless become part of  The Gift the Keeps on Giving,
which is to help those unable to help themselves

 Faith’s Websites:

American College of Community Midwives
California College of Midwives 
Garden Party Patriotism

~ Faith’s 5-part Video on Mfry Licensing 
Interviewed by Kathi Valeii
(“Birth Anarchist” webwife)

~ Other Interesting Links to Hx or Unusual Documents

The story I hate to tell & no one should ever have to hear::
the dark history of obstetrics ~ 
a 7-part series

How the ‘wrong use’ of obstetrics came to be
the standard of care for healthy women in the US in 1910


Robin 2022



Misc. September 26, 2018