Special Links for My Special Friends ^O^
If you are reading this, you found my little link to the inner sanctum.
I will use this page to make suggestions for how to best access interesting “stuff”, and to post links as i run across documents, commentaries and essays that i think will interest you.
I suggest that you take advantage of the links on the home page. To make it even easier, I pasted them in below, but will remove this long list after you have a chance to go through them.
Be sure to start with #1 — “Time-traveler’s Perspective on Normal Childbirth” BIRTH Sept 2011
When you don’t have a lot of time, reading the posts is good, although they also are all quite long. But then, everything I write is very detailed and thus long.
And of course, i will cut-&-paste new and interesting hot links to this page, starting the few below.
Call or text me if want access to something or a link does not work. Since my email In-Box has 1,700 emails in it, email is not a very efficient way to communicate with me, unless we specifically arranging something.
“Historical and Contemporary comments by physicians about midwives
Historic & Contemporary Childbirth Practices: ~ Part 1
C-EFM: Quotes from ObGynNews & NEJM –> lack of efficacy & high rate of complications |
1. Time-traveler’s Perspective on Normal Childbirth, by faith gibson, LM, published in the professional journal BIRTH
PDF link: BIRTH-PracPerspective_MyArticle_Sept11_2011
#2. How Normal Childbirth in 20th century American Got Trapped on the Wrong Side of History:
The Perfect storm that turned healthy childbearing women into the patients of a surgical specialty and normal childbirth into a surgical procedure
~ the last and most unimportant UNTOLD story of the 20th century ~
#3. The Economic Story of American Hospitals:
How the invention of elective hospitalization became the economic engine for our 20th-century private & corporate-own American hospital system
#4. ~ Overview & and links to all 8 chapters of this 1914 book
~ Original Source Material for the economic story of the 20th & 21st century American hospital system from Dr. Williams’s Historic Book “Twilight Sleep: Simple Discoveries in Painless Childbirth”
#5. PDF link –> Man-Midwives
~The Historical Tension Between Midwifery and Obstetrics During the 20th century
#6 ~ VBAC as a core issue & example US dysfunction maternity care
Also includes 1910 story of how and why the traditional medical discipline of obstetrics & the surgical discipline of gynecology were combined in a new surgical specialty obstetrics and gynecology.