Economic Issue$

Tell-A-Vision for the 21st Century: ~ ~ Historical Debate on Health Care Policies and the pseudo-journalism that pretends to keep us informed but does not Archival Post from 2009 Written during the Congressional debate over the passage of the Affordable Care Act, and updated April 2024  Original publication date: June 21, 2009   Link […]

The AMA, and its new “Scope of Practice Partnership“, probably is not technically a ‘crime family”, but they sure do a great job of acting like one! Beginning in 2006, the AMA’s policy-makers dreamed up a truly offensive and one-sided new plan for how medical services are provided by MDs in the US. Their plan […]

The Health Care in Crisis in the US ~ How did it get so bad?    

by faithgibson December 1, 2022

  Health Care in Crisis: How did it get so bad?     by faith gibson, LM Concerned citizen, mother and midwife Originally posted in 2009 while passage of the ACA was still pending in the US Congress  How an increase in medical doctors had the paradoxical effect of making medical care much more expensive Since the late […]

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Birth Environments: Emerging Trends & Implication for Design ~ School Of Architecture & Urban Planning

by faithgibson November 14, 2021

School of Architecture and Urban Planning BIRTH ENVIRONMENTS ~ Emerging Trends and Implications for Design Alice Lerman, B.A., J.D., M. Arch ~ University of Wisconsin; School of Architecture and Urban Planning A Project supported by the American Institute of Architects and the American Hospital Association Fellowship ~ pages 7 & 8: “Obstetrics, over the past […]

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Response to NYT Editorial on the High Cost of Health Care ~ November 25, 2007

by faithgibson June 3, 2021

Originally published on the front page of my “” website I am reposting this essay from 2007 as an example of how the story never really changes — we still have an obstetrical system that systematically imposes harmful and unnecessary interventions and surgical procedures on healthy women with normal pregnancies. This unproductively expensive, totally unrepentant […]

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