November 2019

Part 2A ~ word count 2,300 Easy-to-copy-&-share link –> Is ‘elective Cesarean’ policy an effective strategy for preventing pelvic floor problems in childbearing women based on valid scientific evidence? ~ “A Scar is Born Every 39 Seconds” ~ The headline in a 1998 advertisement for a skin product to rub on C-section incisions to diminish scarring […]

1D: The Dark Side of the Moon Serious and ongoing disagreement btw individual obstetricians on EFM data & whether an emergent C-section is needed How and why EFM is directly associated with increased rate of Cesareans The other great big ‘elephant’ in the labor room when interpreting c-EFM data is the incredible lack of agreement between obstetricians […]

Part 1C ~ Failure of c-EFM to prevent cerebral palsy or protect OBs from lawsuits ~1C

by faithgibson November 4, 2019

1C: Historical and legal background of the problem, more excerpts from EFM research The obstetrical profession’s relationship with EFM as the universal standard of care in the US is like looking under the lamp post for keys that you lost on the far side of the street. The reason you are looking on this side […]

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Special OR for Performing Placenta Percreta Surgery

by faithgibson November 4, 2019
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