September 2013

This is a copy of my letter to the Editor  of AJOG (the Green Journal):                                      Faith Gibson, LM, CPM Executive Director, American College of Domiciliary Midwives 3889 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 September 11, 2002 As a former L&D nurse and practicing community midwife I wish to comment on the study entitled “Outcomes […]


A good portion of the posts on this website have to do with vital statistics research, published studies and meta-analysis on the topic of place-of-birth, in particular the relative safety btw hospitals as high medical-intervention setting, and so-called “planned” home birth as a low (in frequency and it technology) medical-intervention setting. As used in research, […]


Apgar Wars ~ 7 and last in series: purposeful pattern of negative reports on PHB & resulting attitudes of medical profession & public

by faithgibson September 25, 2013

Continued from yesterday’s post This is the last in the series about a research paper published in the Am Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology’s that claimed to have proven that PHB is associated with a 10- to 19-fold increase in zero 5-minute Apgar. The effect of systematic prejudice and discrimination by those professionals with a hidden […]

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Apgar Wars ~ 6th in series: Effects of repeated negative reports on attitudes of medical professionals & the public

by faithgibson September 24, 2013

I am sad to report that the vast majority of medical professionals  have moved past questioning the verasity of ACOG’s high-profile anti-PHB studies. Regrettably, this includes the many physicians who are directly knowledgable about midwifery in general, supportive of both nurse-midwives and “other” midwives and OOH childbirth services, and also sympathetic to a childbearing woman’s right to […]

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Apgar Wars ~ 5th in series: The Consensus of the scientific literature support relative safety of PHB

by faithgibson September 23, 2013

Since the early 1970s, over a hundred peer-reviewed studies on the comparative safety PHB have been published. During this 43-year period of time, some of these studies were large, some small, some very good, others not so good. We would all like to live in a world where none was the number of newborns that died just before or after […]

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