AMA’s House of Delegate-160.949 – Practicing Medicine by Non-Physicians: states that “[o]ur AMA:
Relevant AMA Policy: Scope of Practice Partnership ~
House of Delegates Resolutions (originally SOPP, 2006)
House of Delegate-160.949 – Practicing Medicine by Non-Physicians: states that “[o]ur AMA:
(1) urges all people, including physicians and patients, to consider the consequences of any health care plan that places any patient care at risk by substitution of a non-physician in the diagnosis, treatment, education, direction and medical procedures … where such alters the traditional pattern of practice in which the physician directs and supervises the care given
(Editor’s note (and the MD gets paid directly, at the higher “MD” rates, for the care that was actually provided in real-time by his nurse-practitioner, i.e. his “physician-extender” employee.)
(4) continues to encourage state medical societies to oppose state legislation allowing non-physician groups to engage in the practice of medicine without physician (MD, DO) training or appropriate physician (MD, DO) supervision; and
(5) through legislative and regulatory efforts, vigorously support and advocate for the requirement of appropriate physician supervision of non-physician clinical staff in all areas of medicine. (Res. 317, I-94; Modified by Res. 501, A-97; Appended: Res. 321, I-98; Reaffirmation A-99; Appended: Res. 240, Reaffirmed: Res. 708 and Reaffirmation A-00; Reaffirmed: CME Rep. 1, I-00).”
H-35.973 Scopes of Practice of Physician Extenders
Our AMA supports the formulation of clearer definitions of the scope of practice of physician extenders to include direct appropriate physician supervision and recommended guidelines for physician supervision to ensure quality patient care. (Res. 213, A-02). (Ed Note — also as the gravy train to increase the economic compensation of MDs)
H-35.988 Independent Practice of Medicine by “Nurse Practitioners”
The AMA, in the public interest, opposes enactment of legislation to authorize the independent practice of medicine by any individual who has not completed the state’s requirements for licensure to engage in the practice of medicine and surgery in all of its branches {Ed note i.e. an MD}. (Sub. Res. 53, I-82; Reaffirmed: A-84; Reaffirmed: CLRPD Rep. A, I-92; Reaffirmed: BOT Rep. 28, A-03)
H-35.993 Opposition to Direct Medicare Payments for Physician Extenders
Our AMA reaffirms its opposition to any legislation or program which would provide for Medicare payments directly to physician extenders, or payment for physician extender services not provided under the supervision and direction of a physician. (CMS Rep. N, I-77; Reaffirmed: CLRPD Rep. C, A-89; Reaffirmed: Sunset Report, A-00)