Historical and contemporary comments by physicians about midwives ~ 1820 to 2014

by faithgibson on August 8, 2016

in Contemporary Childbirth Politics

This material was first posted in daily segments over the first 12 daysimages-4

However, several readers asked that I post a single link so they can scroll through the chronological comments without having to hunt through many different posts.

So here is Part 1: “Historical and contemporary comments by physicians about midwives ~ 1820 to 2014″


MBC 7p2And here also is part 2: (still a work-n-progress), currently titled:  Midwifery Defined ~ Evolution of birth practices illustrated in birth images






PS: email me at my name (faithgibson) at mac dot com if you have any graphics or photos that you believe would be useful in graphically demonstrating the historical evolution of childbirth practices, from normal birth to the current highly medicalized version that is considered to the ‘standard practice’ in institutional settings.

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