New AJOG study on Cerebral Palsy: no reduction in CP last 50 yrs, despite 6-fold increase in CS rate

by faithgibson on September 28, 2017

in Cesarean Politics, Contemporary Childbirth Politics

Cerebral palsy: causes, pathways, and the role of genetic variants

Alastair H. MacLennan, MD, FRANZCOG; Suzanna C. Thompson, MBBS, FRACP; Jozef Gecz, PhD

Cerebral palsy (CP) is heterogeneous with different clinical types, comorbidities, brain imaging patterns, causes, and now also heterogeneous underlying genetic variants. Few are solely due to severe hypoxia or ischemia at birth. This common myth has held back research in causation. The cost of litigation has devastating effects on maternity services with unnecessarily high cesarean delivery rates and subsequent maternal morbidity and mortality.

CP rates have remained the same for 50 years despite a 6-fold increase in Cesarean birth.

Epidemiological studies have shown that the origins of most CP are prior to labor.

Increased risk is associated with preterm delivery, congenital malformations, intrauterine infection, fetal growth restriction, multiple pregnancy, and placental abnormalities. Hypoxia at birth may be primary or secondary to preexisting pathology and international criteria help to separate the few cases of CP due to acute intrapartum hypoxia. Until recently, 1-2% of CP (mostly familial) had been linked to causative mutations. Recent genetic studies of sporadic CP cases using new-generation exome sequencing show that 14% of cases have likely causative single-gene mutations and up to 31% have clinically relevant copy number variations. The genetic variants are

Hypoxia at birth may be primary or secondary to preexisting pathology and international criteria help to separate the few cases of CP due to acute intrapartum hypoxia. Until recently, 1-2% of CP (mostly familial) had been linked to causative mutations. Recent genetic studies of sporadic CP cases using new-generation exome sequencing show that 14% of cases have likely causative single-gene mutations and up to 31% have clinically relevant copy number variations. The genetic variants are

Hypoxia at birth may be primary or secondary to preexisting pathology and international criteria help to separate the few cases of CP due to acute intrapartum hypoxia. Until recently, 1-2% of CP (mostly familial) had been linked to causative mutations. Recent genetic studies of sporadic CP cases using new-generation exome sequencing show that 14% of cases have likely causative single-gene mutations and up to 31% have clinically relevant copy number variations. The genetic variants are

Recent genetic studies of sporadic CP cases using new-generation exome sequencing show that 14% of cases have likely causative single-gene mutations and up to 31% have clinically relevant copy number variations. The genetic variants are het- erogeneous and require function investigations to prove causation. Whole genome sequencing, fine-scale copy number variant investigations, and gene expression studies may extend the percentage of cases with a genetic pathway. Clinical risk factors could act as triggers for CP where there is genetic susceptibility. These new findings should refocus research about the causes of these complex and varied neurodevelopmental disorders.

Epidemiologic and genetic risk factors for cerebral palsy

Preterm delivery
Coexisting congenital anomaly (maldevelopment)
Probable genetic causes
Bacterial and viral intrauterine infection
Altered fetal inflammatory or thrombophilic response (perinatal stroke)
Fetal growth restriction
Higher-order pregnancy, risk greater with monozygosity and in vitro fertilization
Tight nuchal umbilical cord
Prolonged shoulder dystocia
Placental pathology, eg, chorioamnionitis, funisitis, villitis
Inborn errors of metabolism
Male:female ratio 1.3:1


The long-held belief that most or many cases of CP are due to trauma or asphyxia around the time of birth and that earlier intervention can prevent the neuropathology is not evidence-based, has held back research into other pathways, and has fuelled unwarranted litigation that has had an untoward effect on modern maternity care and maternal outcomes.

While it is possible that a severe acute de novo metabolic acidosis could be a rare primary cause of CP, or that intrapartum hypoxia could be a continuing or secondary cause of CP, the great likelihood is that, with the exception of uncommon causes in infancy, the pathways to the neuropathology of CP usually begin well before labor and often in earlier pregnancy.

It is now important to consider possible genetic causes that may directly, or through genetic susceptibility, trigger different pathways to different neuropathologies that share the common clinical trait of a nonprogressive movement disorder diagnosed as CP (Video).

In the near future, it will be possible to test for many of the putative or validated genes that have been associated with CP to date. This panel of different pathogenic genetic variations contributing to the CP spectrum is very likely to grow over the next decade and should open a new direction into the causes of CP and challenge previous medicolegal assumptions about the culpability of the accoucheur.


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