Obstet Gynecol 2000;95:163–5 Mack Barham, MD From Monroe, Louisiana. 163 VOL. 95, NO. 1, JANUARY 2000 0029-7844/00/$20.00 PII S0029-7844(99)00512-8 I review the literature on laparoscopically assisted vaginal delivery, present and discuss a case, and describe the technique. Laparoscopically assisted vaginal delivery will emerge as a triumphant obstetric innovation that will radically transform operative obstetrics in the 21st century. In recent […]
http://evidentlycochrane.wordpress.com/2013/07/03/fetal-monitoring-in-labour-the-challenge-of-balancing-the-benefits-with-harms/ “….. continuous CTG during labour is associated with a reduction in the incidence of neonatal seizures, has no obvious impact on cerebral palsy or perinatal mortality but is associated with an increase in the incidence of caesarean section and instrumental vaginal births. The adverse affects of operative births are well described. The possible long-term effects of […]