August 2020

Work-N-Progress// Temporary Holding Draft ~ Hoover profile info at the bottom will soon be transferred to its own post AMA series ~ Day #2 Organized Medicine in America is not on the same side of healthcare issues as We, the American People I am beginning this series on the AMA’s SOPP on August 9th, 2020 […]

Part 1 of 2, link at the bottom to my posted “My Comments” Self-serving motives behind the AMA’s 2006 “Scope of Practice Partnership” & its 2020 “Victory Letter” bragging about the success of it’s illegal monopoly Anti-trust, anti-monopoly laws § 1). Every person who shall monopolize, or attempt to monopolize, or combine or conspire with any […]

AMA’s Scope of Practice Partnership ~ Work-n-progress ~ posted July 7th, 2021, last edited 07-07-2021

by faithgibson August 7, 2020

Initial DRAFT version This is Part One of a lengthy series that explores the history and contemporary activities of American Medical Association and its 50 state chapters. This series is based on publicly available historical documents and important publications by and about the AMA (links to PDFs if available) on the history and contemporary activities […]

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The Debate on Health Care Policy Reform ~ part 4: An exercise in pseudo-journalism: ~ History AMA

by faithgibson August 4, 2020

The AMA’s 20th century role in stopping National health insurance in the US Origin & Historical Background of the AMA: In the 1800s, two out of every three physicians were non-MD homeopaths and the cost for medical services was very modest. Low fees and a glut of medical practitioners drove down the average income of […]

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The Debate on Health Care Policy Reform ~ an Exercise in Pseudo-Journalism – Day #3

by faithgibson August 3, 2020

The Marriage of Authority-based Medicine and Investor-owned Corporate Medicine Authority-based Medicine: The practice of medicine in the US is an authority-based profession. Its legal and practical configuration has not changed since medical licensing laws were first passed in the 19th century. It is the only health profession one to enjoy “unlimited” licensure, with a legal […]

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