November 2018

ANGELICA ALZONA America Is Blaming Pregnant Women for Their Own Deaths By KIM BROOKS November 16, 2018 What is it like to face dying during childbirth in the richest Country in the world? Stephanie Teleki, who leads the maternity care portfolio at the California Health Care Foundation, put it this way in an interview:   “Women know […]

What obstetrical doctors say to other doctors about routine induction and claims that this policy will DECREASE the CS rate: Post of two reports supporting new “”Gold Standard” for American Obstetrics as routine induction @ 39 weeks for all healthy women with normal pregnancies (those with complications or high risk pregnancies will be delivered based […]

“Free-birther” controversy – lots of misinformation, disinformation, propaganda on both sides & the now-condoned (but unjustified) verbal hate-speech by its detractors

by faithgibson November 9, 2018

The following is an annotated version of a recently published article in the Daily Beast about a “Free-Birther” Facebook group, based on events that occured to a mother-to-be who had no prenatal care, had a baby that was two or more weeks overdue, and a 72-hr unattended and unproductive labor.  At that point the parents voluntarily decided […]

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A new website to report obstetrical mistreatment, bullying, other kinds of abuse & medical treatments without informed consent

by faithgibson November 5, 2018

If anyone is interested in pursuing what consumers are saying about insensitive, insulting, or bullying by their health care providers,  here is a link to a new website called My OB Said WHAT? It is a site where consumers post those insensitive, insulting, annoying, hurtful, or bullying remarks or other statements said to them […]

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