Citation Key XYX: Series ~ The Official Plan to Eliminate the Midwife ~ Historical & Contemporary References for 6-part series

by faithgibson on March 20, 2018

This key gives the full citation for the coded numbers at the end of quotations.

How to decode the key: Citations are listed by the year. For example, 1881-A refers to a document published in 1881 and the “A” means that particular document is first. In the case, there is ONLY one citation for 1881.

If the reference number is often at the end of several paragraphs, then that block of text and all its quotes are from the same source.

1881-A // “Transaction of the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society”, Vol. 6, Session 1880-81, Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyn, 1881 // discourse on menstruation and the curing of ham and why menstruating women are not fit to perform certain work

1907-A // American Journal of Obstetrics, “Regulation of Midwives”, by Mabbott, MD begins p. 516

Transactions of the 1st annual meeting of the American Association for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality (TAASPIM), Published by John Hopkins University, Baltimore

1910-A // TAASPIM –Jacobi, MD; Opening Address

1911-A // Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, Vol. CLXIV by Emmons & Hungington, MD; “A Review of the Midwife Situation”, begins p. 251

Transactions of the 2nd meeting of the American Association for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality— published by the Franklin Press, Baltimore, Md

1911 ~ // TAASPIM — Section on Midwifery, p. 163
1911-B // TAASPIM — Williams.MD – “The Midwife Problem and Medical Education in the US”
1911-C // TAASPIM — Emmons & Huntington, MD “Has the Trained Midwife Made Good?”
1911-D // TAASPIM — EmmonsMD “Obstetrics Care in the Congested Districts of our Large American Cities”
1911-E // TAASPIM –Price, MD “The Problem of Midwifery from the Standpoint of Administration”
1911-F // TAASPIM –Beitler, MD “Registration and Practice of Midwifery”
1911-G // TAASPIM — Joesphine Baker, MD “School for Midwives”
1911-H // TAASPIM — Sub-committee Reports begins p.249

Transactions of the 3rd meeting of the American Association for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality— published by the Franklin Press, Baltimore, Md

1912-A // TAASPIM — Section on Midwifery
1912-B // TAASPIM — Ziegler, MD “The Elimination of the Midwife”, p. 222
1912-C // TAASPIM — Kosmak, MD “Does the Average Midwife Meet the Requirements of a Patient in Confinement?”, p. 238
1912-D // TAASPIM — Sub-committee Reports, begins p. 260

1914-A // American Journal of Public Health, Vol. IV — Carolyn Van Blarcom, RN “Midwives in American”, p. 197

Transactions of the 5th (and final) meeting of the American Association for the Study and Prevention of Infant Mortality— by the Franklin Press, Baltimore, Md

1915-A // TAASPIM — Edgar, MD “The Education, Licensing and Supervision of the Midwife”, p.90
1915-B // TAASPIM — Baldy, MD “IS the Midwife Necessary?, p. 105
1915-C // TAASPIM — DeLee,MD “Progress Towards Ideal Obstetrics”, p.114
1915-D //TAASPIM — Discussion, begins p. 123
1915-E // TAASPIM — Sub-committee Reports, begins p. 139

1915-F // New York State Journal of Medicine, Vol. XV — Young, MD “The Midwife Problem in the State of New York”, p.291 — 301

1915-G // American Journal of Public Health; Vol. V — Terry, Health Officer “Midwives: Their Influence on Early Infant Mortality”, p. 695-699

1915-H // American Journal of Public Health Association, Vol.#5, 1915; Boston,Mass — Discussion from transcript of meeting held December 1914, Jacksonville, Fla., page 700

1915-I // JAMA, Vol. LXIV Moran, MD “The Endowment of Motherhood”, p. 122 — 126

1915-J // Practical Points in Nursing for the Nurse in Private Practice, Saunders Co. Stoney, RN “Conduct of Labor & Delivery”, p.138-139

1917-A // 13th Annual Meeting of the Am. Assoc. of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, Newark, NJ James Harrar, MD “Causes of Death in Childbirth; Maternal Mortalities in 100,000 Confinements at the New York Lying-In Hospital”, p. 38-41

1917-B // 13th Annual Meeting of the Am. Assoc. of Obstetrics and Gynecologists, Newark, NJ Julius Levy, MD — “The Maternal & Infant Mortality in Midwifery Practice in Newark, NJ”

1922-A // American Journal of Public Health, Charles Edward Ziegler, MD “How Can We Best Solve the Midwifery Problem?”, p. 405-413

1924-A // The American Journal of Public Health, Rucker, MD — “The Relationship of Midwife to Obstetric Mortality, with especial reference to New Jersey”, p.816-822

1925-A // Southern Medical Journal, Vol. XVIII, Jan. 1925, Hardin, MD “The Midwife Problem” 347-350

1937-A // Into This Universe , by Alan Frank Guttmacher, MD , Associate in Obstetrics, John Hopkins University Viking Press, 1937, Excerpts from “Safer Childbirth”, Charter 4, p. 329

1940-A // Obstetrics and Gynecology Textbook, University of Chicago, edited by Fred Adair, M.A., M.D., F.A.C.S.

1941-A // Merchants in Medicine by Emanuel Josephson, MD; Chedney Press, NY (published in 1937 under title “Your Life is their Toy”, a history of the AMA and its organizational architect, Dr. George Simmons)

1952-A // A Practical Handbook of Midwifery and Gynecology, by Drs. , by Drs. Haultain and Kennedy; published by E&S Livingstone Ltd, Edinbough & London, 1952

1966-A // Davis’ Gynecology And Obstetrics: J. Rovinsky, MD, FACOG (published 1968)

1976-A // Point by point review of Bowland Decision, California Supreme Court,
1976-B // “The Bowland Decision and Abortion — An Aside”

1986-A // Hospital Administrations Currents, Vol.30, p. 9-14

1991-B // Annual Survery of Vital Statistics -1990, Pediatrics, Vol. 88, December 1990, #6

1991-A // Birth Environments, p. 7 & 14; Alice Lerman, JD, M. Architechture, University of Milwaukee, School of Architechture

1992-A // Obstetrics: Normal & Problem Pregnancies, Edited by Gabbe, Niebly, Simpson; published Churchill Livingstone, New York

1992-B // “Landmark Decision for British Homebirth and Midwifery” House of Commons, Session 1991-92, Health Committee (Chairman Nicholas Winterton), Second Report, Maternity Services, Vol. 1, published on March 4th, 1992, HMSO, London

1993-A // Hospital Discharges Diagnoses for the State of California

1993-B // OB-GYN News, Septemper 15, 1993, article about neigotiations by representatives of California chapter of ACOG with Senator Lucy Killea over the proposed Licensed Midwifery Practice Act of 1993

1994-A // “Pursuing the Birth Machine” by Marsden Wagner, MD; ACE Graphics, Australia

1994-B // “Myth of Vicarious Liability — Impact on Barriers to Nurse-Midwifery Practice” by Susan Jenkins, RN, JD; Journal of Nurse Midwifery – Vol. 39, #2. March/April 1994

1995-A // Obstetric Myths Versus Research Realities — a Guide to Medical Literature, by Henci Goer; published by Bergin & Garvey, Connecticut, London

1996-A // ‘The Lancet’ – vol. 346, “A Global Witch-Hunt” by Marsden Wagner, MD– article on the world-wide opposition to Independent Midwives and Domiciliary Birth Services (home-based maternity care).

1996-B // Letter by Marsden Wagner, MD regarding the non-meritorious investigation of Australian Midwife Lecky-Thomas

2000-A // “Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth: a synopsis for guiding practice and research” by Drs. Iain Chalmers, Murray Enkin, and Marc J. N C. Keirse

2000-B // “Safety of Alternative Approaches to Childbirth“, Peter Schlenzka, Ph.D. Thesis submitted to Stanford University, March 1999