Contemporary Document Archive ~ 1970 to Present

by faithgibson on March 8, 2016


y topics
& Documents

1970 to present


New material posted
as it becomes available

Link to Historical Document Archive




  • Political & scientific issues surrounding normal childbirth practices
  • Controversy btw the obstetrical model & physiological management of normal childbirth as provided by all types of birth attendants in all settings

1. Cochrane Review ~ Planned hospital birth v. planned home birth ~ April 2012

2. University of Copenhagen ~ Birth is No Reason to Go to Hospital ~ September 2012

3. California Department of Consumer Affairs – 1977 letter by deputy director Michael Krisman on proposed mfry legislation

Senate Bill # 1896 {best official source of information about the positive impact to the State associated with providing direct access to midwives of all background and professional care during childbirth in all settings}

7. How Birth One Hundred Years Ago Impacts Birth Today