ACOG Statement on the US MERA Bridge Certificate
April 14, 2016
ACOG supports the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM) educational standards as the minimum education and licensure requirement for all midwives practicing in the US.
ACOG recognizes that the US MERA bridge certificate is an attempt to elevate the training and education of midwives who lack accredited education and do not currently meet ICM criteria.
The US MERA bridge certificate at present is only intended to address the training and educational needs of CPMs in states that do not currently license these providers.
ACOG strongly encourages all apprentice (PEP) trained CPMs to utilize this bridge certificate opportunity. Every CPM, no matter when they were credentialed or where they practice, should at least meet the educational and training standards required of midwives in other nations.
ACOG looks forward to working with ACNM and the other US MERA organizations. It is essential that we send a unified message to legislators, regulators, the public, and our patients that we support nothing less than high-quality maternity care.
Click here to read the statement on the ACOG website — NOTE: Today’s post is an exact copy the information on ACOG’s website about the US MERA bridge certificate for apprentice-trained CPMs